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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pregnancy Tidbits/Christmas week

Pregnancy Tidbits 

How Far Along: 26 weeks (3 mos. & 5 days to go YAY!!)

Total Weight Gain: Didn't weigh this week :)

Maternity Clothes: YES!

Gender: Girl!! (Emma Mackenzie Doty)

Size of the Baby: 2.2 Pounds—length says that of an eggplant

Movement: Yes, throughout the day now! She's even been kicking for family members--and she really kicks when Godzilla scares her by barking :)

Sleep: EVERY day it gets worse...oh well. It will be worth it.

What I miss: A good night's sleep

Cravings: None this week...other than wine on Christmas Eve

Symptoms: Just sleeping poorly…and nasal congestion 

Best Moment this week: She’s moving more which is exciting-& this week was Christmas--we have a lot to be thankful for...with the little gal's due date approaching before we know it.

The pictures below are from Christmas week:
Adam, Myself, & the "Bump"

Our little family


Dad (Poppi) & Harrison

Family Shot

With Grandma Jodi

At Mama Chell's

At Grandma Carma's and Granddad Bob's



  1. You're so pretty Lindsay! Can't wait for you to have that little girl so I can see pics! :) Hope you get to sleeping better soon!

  2. Thanks Megan! I love reading your blog too!

  3. LOVE the new updates!!!
